(…) aesthetic ideal of the categorical agreement with being is a world in which shit is denied and everyone acts as though it did not exist. This aesthetic ideal is called kitsch.
Milan Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness of Being
You know me mostly for my urban landscapes however since moving to Canada I am exposed to nature more than ever before. In the past change of surroundings helped me to evolve and see many aspects of life from a different perspective and in a different light.
I appreciate the way the Canadian landscape works on me. I am becoming part of it while I Am looking at it, reading it, and experiencing it. It might sound banal for some but nature here, although heavily altered by human activity is still closer to its untamed form than the one I know from Europe. Perhaps this is something to do with the sheer size and the intensity of the place rather than the desires of the inhabitants to alter and tame.
The images you see here are the results of my interactions with the beauty of the natural world. Focusing and responding exclusively to the mundane or the blues and gloom would be as banal and kitschy as focusing exclusively on the so-called picturesque.