In 2011 I spent two months traveling around Peru. Unattached to any plan I was only following my instincts and taking photographic notes of the places I passed by or stayed in. Showing on the photographs exactly what I saw and felt was my only concern. During this time I was discovering my own visual aesthetic. This trip made me aware in what direction I want to go and in what kind of visual language I want to communicate with you. I started to learn. It was intuitive and as I realized later, often unconscious process. I encountered an abundance of places and situations visually appealing to me. However, as it was my first trip to such a distant place I knew that I see only the external layer of this vast country. The place where I came from reflected on my work and influenced the learning process. I decided that a calm visual language in which you rarely use the exclamation marks would be the most accurate to use at that time. All regions of Peru are unique. They have their own distinctive character. I am showing you just a part of this complex world.
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